
Today, most of us have at least heard of acupuncture. People generally associate the term with getting treated by the insertion of very thin needles. This is partially true, however acupuncture is a very commonly misunderstood and misused term. Acupuncture refers to a healing art form originating in ancient China known as zhen jiu Zhen jiu is what the word acupuncture refers to Zhen jiu is a word composed of two characters. The first is zhen meaning needling to puncture specific points in order to regulate energy circulation. The second part is jiu meaning cautery or burning. Often this is translated as Moxibustion. This is most often carried out with the use of moxa (Mugwort) although it can also refer to applying herbal substances to the skin to cause blistering. This component “jiu” is often left out in our society and either under represented or ignored all together. This is unfortunate since it is a half of the practice of acupuncture. Zhen jiu is practiced with an understanding of the meridian system of the body. Needling is performed with sterile disposable needles. They may be inserted or not and used to stimulate specific points. Some needles may be left in place for awhile and others may be removed immediately after insertion. The needles are used to stimulate the Qi (energy/natural functional tendency) of the meridian to restore balanced interaction between the various meridians. Moxibustion commonly involves burning moxa (Mugwort) on or near the skin at specific points to supplement the Qi in a meridian or dredge through obstruction i.e. coldness or static blood. Moxa is a cotton-like substance refined from common mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) and can be applied in various ways comfortably. Self moxibustion is often taught to patients for self application to prescribed points at home.